Announcing: Patriot Mobile Action. 11 of 11 Patriot Mobile Action Endorsed Candidates Win!

Patriot Mobile is America’s only Christian conservative wireless provider, and our mission is to passionately defend our God-given Constitutional rights and freedoms while glorifying God. We are deeply committed to our mission, and put it into action by giving a portion of every dollar earned to causes that align with our four foundational pillars:
• Protecting our First Amendment rights
• Protecting our Second Amendment freedoms
• Protecting the Sanctity of Life
• Supporting our Military, Veterans and First Responders

In 2021, Patriot Mobile gave more than $550,000 to Christian conservative causes and in 2022, Patriot Mobile is on track to give more than $1,500,000. Patriot Mobile is unapologetically a Christian conservative company and has been blessed to experience tremendous growth, more than doubling our subscriber base in 2021.

In early 2022, a group of Patriot Mobile executives formed a separate entity to further expand our Christian conservative impact. The goal? To SAVE AMERICA.

That new entity is Patriot Mobile Action (PMA), a Texas non-profit Super PAC. Patriot Mobile LLC is a proud contributor to Patriot Mobile Action. Every dollar PMA receives as a contribution and spends as an expenditure is transparently documented and disclosed through legally required reports.

PMA’s 2022 launch started with Tarrant County, Texas, where Patriot Mobile is headquartered. Tarrant County is critical to keeping Texas “Red” and the State of Texas is critical to America electing a future Republican President. PMA’s objective is to expand throughout the state of Texas and then to every state in the country.

While the media today wishes to demonize conservative activism in local races, the truth is that liberal activists have been pouring countless dollars into local politics for many years. Conservative activism at the local level is long overdue.

Progressive wireless provider Credo Mobile, for example, has donated more than $93 million to liberal causes since 1985. Credo proudly states that millions of those dollars went to Planned Parenthood, the ACLU and the Transgender Law Center. Credo has formed multiple political action committees since their founding. In 2012, the CREDO SuperPAC raised $2.5 million and defeated five Republican incumbent congressmembers.

Liberal organizations pushing massive amounts of money into local school board races is also nothing new. New York billionaire Michael Bloomberg has funded Leadership for Educational Equity-Texas (LEE-based in New York) and Democrats for Educational Equity (DEE-based in DC) to the tune of $680,000 in recent years. Both are extreme liberal Democrat machines funneling money from New York into Texas local elections. Texas Ethics Commission reports show LEE and DEE have contributed over $670,000 to local school board and state board of education races.

Conservatives are now providing an answer to Democrat local activism and dark money groups with our own, highly-organized and well-funded support for local candidates. However, our funding is fully transparent and ethical.

Patriot Mobile Action is engaging on the front lines of this culture war. We are independently researching candidates and advocating on behalf of those who will stand for American values and stand against leftist indoctrination, racist Critical Race Theory and the sexualization of children that is rampant in public schools. In this past weekend’s municipal elections, 10 of the 11 candidates Patriot Mobile Action endorsed and advocated on behalf of won their races and the 11th candidate won in a runoff.

Patriot Mobile Action believes to save America, we must save our Public Schools.

Patriot Mobile Action is working hard and standing for Christian conservative principles. Please join us and contribute today to Patriot Mobile Action.

Paid for by Patriot Mobile Action not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee

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