In October, Patriot Mobile, together with Blexit Texas, proudly hosted an evening with world-renowned author, professor, and pastor, Dr. Voddie T. Baucham Jr.
Fault Lines is perhaps one of the most important books written to the American Church that speaks directly to the cultural and political battle raging in our nation right now.
“This book is, among many things, a plea to the Church. I believe we are being duped by an ideology bent on our demise. This ideology has used our guilt and shame over America’s past, our love for the brethren, and our good and godly desire for reconciliation and justice as a means through which to introduce destructive heresies,” Dr. Baucham said in Fault Lines.
Leigh Wambsganss, Patriot Mobile's VP of Public Affairs, introduces Dr. Voddie Baucham
Dr. Voddie Baucham speaks on his best-selling book 'Fault Lines'
Dr. Baucham unpacked the sinister ideologies of Critical Theory, Critical Race Theory, and Intersectionality that are being used by the left to take over positions of power. Many in the church are being seduced by these heresies, but ultimately, the social justice movement is antithetical to the gospel. The Church must expose and reject it, and instead, present the gospel’s answer to racism and reconciliation found in the death and resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
On the issue of Christian Nationalism, Dr. Baucham gave us an insightful perspective. “I just want to know what the other option is. Which part are we going to get rid of?” he asked. “If we are not going to be nationalists, what are we going to be, globalists? You can have that… no, thank you! No globalism, nationalism yes.”
“Now if it’s going to be nationalism, what kind is it going to be, is it going to be Christian or is it going to be non-Christian? So color me a Christian nationalist!” he said.
Singer Nicole Johnson leads audience in the National Anthem
Tim O'Hare leads audience in prayer
Brian Bledsoe, Blexit Texas director, shares the mission of Blexit
“At the end of the day, it’s far more important to me that people belong to the body of Christ than that they belong to the right political party,” Dr. Baucham concluded.
After Dr. Baucham’s speech, he took time to do a special book signing of Fault Lines and to meet and greet our guests.
Dr. Voddie Baucham signs his book, 'Fault Lines'
Patriot Mobile was honored to host Dr. Voddie Baucham! It was an amazing evening of encouragement, education, and mobilization.
Patriot Mobile is committed to providing educational and spiritually uplifting events to equip, inform, and bless our community. We hope you’ll join us at our next event!