The New American Dream At The Young Women’s Leadership Summit

Guest post: Riley Waddell is a Patriot Mobile Brand Ambassador. Riley will be a freshman at Baylor University this fall, majoring in Health Science Studies on a Pre-Med track. As a young, Christian conservative woman, she is passionate about the land of the free and home of the brave that she loves. 


“The old conservative movement can’t come to the phone right now, why? Because it’s dead.”

That was the bold statement Turning Point USA‘s (TPUSA) contributor and host of Poplitics, Alex Clark, made to open the TPUSA Young Women’s Leadership Summit (YWLS). In her opening statements, she announced the theme of the Young Women’s Leadership Summit was “Pretty Fed Up.” She is completely right; we are FED UP! We are not only fed up with how our country is being run, but also how the new feminist movement is detrimental to the growth of the female influence in this country.

Alex Clark speaks at TPUSA's YWLS 2022
Alex Clark speaks at TPUSA's YWLS 2022

Reflecting over these three days spent with 3,000 like-minded women, numerous inspiring speakers, and even some dudeservatives, can be best described as a divine appointment. The conference was full of encouragement, empowerment, and equipping. While the main attraction for coming together was our conservative values, there was a greater reason for being there. That reason was Jesus. Our country has sadly turned away from God and the repercussion of that decision is evident. The new Conservative movement cannot be effective unless Jesus is at the center of it. We proudly state that Patriot Mobile is a Christian conservative company because we know that we cannot fulfill The Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20) and lead our country back to Jesus without putting Jesus at the helm.

Patriot Mobile with Dana Loesch at TPUSA's YWLS 2022
Patriot Mobile at TPUSA's YWLS 2022

The new American Dream was born this weekend, and that new dream is family. Our number one goal in life besides spreading the gospel is to raise our children to love God, love their family, and to love their country. Candace Owens, conservative talk show host and activist, and Benny Johnson, political columnist and Creative Chief Officer for Turning Point USA, both describe what it is like to be a parent. Both said the most fulfilling moment of their lives was becoming a mom and dad to future patriots. They emphasized the point that you do not need to buy into the left’s narrative that the only way to be successful and happy is to be single and self-centered. Candace Owens called out the new feminist movement saying that she is proud to serve her husband and be a stay-at-home mom while being a political activist. She went on to talk about the misconception that women must give up their career to become a mom. Candace said that claim is far from the truth and waking up a 4 am to garden, be there for her kids, and serve her husband have brought her such joy in her life.

Candace Owens speaks at TPUSA's YWLS 2022
Candace Owens speaks at TPUSA's YWLS 2022
Patriot Mobile with Candace Owens at TPUSA's YWLS 2022

Next, Victor and Eileen Marx shared how their marriage has been so successful because the foundation for their relationship is built upon Christ. They discussed the importance of having a man pursue a woman like Christ pursues the church and how important it is for a man to protect their family at all costs and assume the biblical role of the head of the household. Victor challenged the young women attending to never lower their standards. Eileen reminded the young ladies and dudeservatives they are “fearfully and wonderfully made” (Psalm 139:14). As we are created in the image of God, we should never lower our standards or think we are worthless. God declares us worthy and righteous. We should never settle for our best when we could wait for God’s best.

Eileen and Victor Marx speak at TPUSA's YWLS 2022
Victor Marx at TPUSA's YWLS 2022

This weekend was focused on encouraging, empowering, and equipping the younger generation to step up to the challenge of bringing America back to God and making the new American Dream about family. To accomplish these goals, we must be able to protect those we love by protecting the 2nd amendment. In Patriot Mobile’s fight to support the 2nd Amendment we hosted a book signing for Dana Loesch, an American Radio and TV host. She spoke at the conference regarding the tragic shooting in Uvalde, Texas. Dana preached that “the only way to defeat a bad guy with a gun, is a good guy with a gun.” We can no longer ignore that evil is a problem in our country and cannot legislate evil out of our society. We cannot blame shootings on an inanimate object, but rather diagnose the true causes, the removal of God from our lives and mental health.

Dana Loesch speaks at TPUSA's YWLS 2022
Dana Loesch speaks at TPUSA's YWLS 2022
Dana Loesch book signing at the Patriot Mobile booth
Dana Loesch book signing at the Patriot Mobile booth
Dana Loesch book signing at the Patriot Mobile booth

Leigh Wambsganss, VP of Government and Public Affairs at Patriot Mobile and Executive Director of Patriot Mobile Action, took the stage at YWLS. Leigh explains how we as Christian conservatives can get involved with the fight to save America.

YWLS allowed women of all ages to not only walk away knowing more about who they are, but most importantly, whose they are. They were created for a unique purpose and to lead others to Christ. There is more than just the red wave coming but also a spiritual revival preparing to sweep this nation. As the final speaker concluding the YWLS, Kayleigh McEnaney reminded us in her speech “that we are created for such a time as this” (Esther 4:14). It is time to act! We are no longer in the stands watching from afar waiting for our turn to be difference makers. We are on the starting line ready to be game changers! Do you accept this challenge? We would love for you to join the fight to save America!

Riley Waddell with Kayleigh McEnany at TPUSA's YWLS 2022

Sign up for service with Patriot Mobile to support the Christian conservative causes you believe in and be sure to join us at the next Turning Point USA event in Tampa, Florida for the Student Action Summit, July 22nd- 24th.


*Patriot Mobile proudly sponsored TPUSA’s Young Women’s Leadership Summit this year. Patriot Mobile gives back a portion of every dollar we earn to conservative causes like TPUSA.

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