The Matter Of Life: A Critical Resource For Pro-Life Advocates
As a pro-life company, Patriot Mobile is proud to partner with RevelationMedia to spread the word about a new pro-life film.
The Matter of Life is a documentary that clarifies the most contentious issue of our day. It cuts through the angry rhetoric of the abortion issue and forces us to answer the most fundamental question: Are the unborn one of us? Are the unborn human beings?
What the filmmakers say about The Matter of Life
“The award-winning documentary The Matter of Life compels us to understand the pro-life case and form our own individual beliefs based on more than what is said in the media. In the film, we hear from the experts and learn about the history, philosophy, morality, and impact of abortion.
When considering the ramifications of abortion in our nation, we must remember that real people are affected. Featuring powerful stories from women, former abortion clinic workers, historians, religious workers, pro-life atheists, and many more, The Matter of Life stresses entering this conversation with understanding, love, and support. Doing so is critical to saving the lives of the unborn and to care for the women who carry them.”
The Matter of Life dispels abortion myths
For too long, the abortion lobby has controlled the narrative about abortion in the mainstream media. Women have been misled and lied to about what abortion is and what is growing inside their wombs. The Matter Of Life identifies the lies surrounding abortion and powerfully dispels them one by one.
For example, we are told an unborn baby is just a “clump of cells.” Scientifically, however, life begins at the moment of conception. When a woman goes to Planned Parenthood for an abortion, the healthcare workers are trained to never let the woman see the ultrasound or refer to the baby as a “baby”, “she”, “he” or “fetus.” The humanity of the unborn must be stripped to convince women to abort the child.
We are also told that abortion is “pro-choice” and that it’s a “woman’s rights” issue. “They granted women this abortion right to give women more choices, but really what happened is women are choosing abortion because they feel like they don’t have any other choice,” said Anne O’Connor, VP of Legal Affairs, NIFLA. In fact, nearly three-quarters of women surveyed in a study admitted that they felt at least subtle forms of pressure to have an abortion.
Far from being a “woman’s rights” issue, the early feminists were actually very anti-abortion. As the film documents, Margaret Sanger promoted abortion to further her eugenicist goal to “weed out the undesirables.” Abortion activists later hijacked the women’s rights movement to be a vehicle to promote their agenda. But abortion doesn’t empower women. It is irresponsible men who benefit most from abortion both sexually and financially.
The Matter of Life exposes Planned Parenthood’s Lies
Through first-hand accounts of former employees, the film exposes Planned Parenthood, the single largest provider of comprehensive sex education in public schools and the largest provider of abortion in America. “Comprehensive sex education does not teach our youth that they do not have to be sexually active,” said Monica Leal Cline, a former Title X (Family Planning) training manager. “They were telling me these stories of young girls coming into Planned Parenthood with injuries, as young as ten years old… My job was not to tell them not to have sex but to respect their choice of being sexually active, even at a young age and to just teach them how to reduce their risk.” But promiscuity is not “safe” and often leads to infection and unintended pregnancies. Planned Parenthood’s only answer to a pregnancy? Abortion, which financially benefits its business.
The Matter of Life features powerful testimonies from former abortionists Dr. Bernard Nathanson and Dr. Anthony Levatino, who both turned pro-life. These doctors describe their change of heart and spend their later careers arguing for life and showing the public in graphic detail what actually happens in an abortion.
Educating women about what it means to be Pro-Life AND Pro-Love
But abortion is not a woman’s only option. The film highlights two pro-life, pro-love organizations that help women courageously choose life. The non-profit, Human Coalition, works to assist women and their families with the concerns of unexpected pregnancy. Embrace Grace, which Patriot Mobile also supports, is a Christian organization that has almost 800 active support groups and has helped over 6,000 women choose life. Embrace Grace links women with supportive churches to provide spiritual, emotional, and physical assistance. “As a church, we can’t just vote pro-life. We must be pro-love,” said Amy Ford, founder and president of Embrace Grace.
The work of the pro-life movement has only increased now that Roe v. Wade is overturned. We must come alongside women who find themselves in crisis pregnancies and be the hands and feet of Jesus. We must work to change the hearts and minds of Americans to make abortion unthinkable. We must educate our young people about the value of life so that they can learn to respect themselves and the unborn. That’s why at Patriot Mobile, we’ve committed to giving more than $400,000 this year to organizations that support the sanctity of life.
Watch The Matter of Life, a critical resource for pro-life advocates
Patriot Mobile invites you to watch this timely, eye-opening film and share it with your family and friends.
“In 24 years of pro-life work, I have never seen the pro-life message more effectively told in a more concise package which covers every aspect of the movement, every angle, and done so in such a beautiful and compelling way,” said David Bereit, author and former CEO of 40 Days for Life.
For only a small donation, you’ll gain access not only to watch The Matter of Life online, but you’ll also receive a DVD of the documentary, and a copy of Amy Ford’s book, Help Her Be Brave, courtesy of Patriot Mobile.
All donations go towards supporting this film and to pro-life organizations, Embrace Grace and Alliance Defending Freedom.
We pray you’ll be blessed by this film and that many hearts and minds will be changed to stand for the sanctity of LIFE.